

Have fun
Registration is secure ONLY by submitting full payment and registration form.
Refunds are not granted to those who use a coupon or voucher for any camp.
To sign up multiple children, simply select the camp(s) twice so that 2 (or more) will appear in your shopping cart. When you go to your cart, you can enter each child's information for the camp chosen. This is the only way to receive the 10% discount.
Please note: Camp prices will include an online convenience fee.
**Children must be at least 3 years old by the beginning of the registered camp
**If your child has any food allergies, please notify us by email.​
Save 10% on each additional child you sign up!
More involvement
Soccer for ages 7-12
Short-Sided Soccer organizes winter and summer teams for players to keep active during the slower soccer season. These teams will not interfere with players’ current clubs and are only a way to provide a high-level of supplemental training with the most elite coaches and other players who want to compete at the highest level.
In addition to supplemental training Short-Sided Soccer provides Professionally Certified Trainers for local teams throughout New Jersey. Whether you are a parent coach, director of coaching, technical director, Short-Sided Soccer can assist your team/s with weekly practices, game day coaching, and supplemental training.